ways to foster

who can foster

who can foster in denbighshire?

Right now, there are children in your local community who need someone to believe in them. They need someone to listen to them and understand them. Someone just like you.

It doesn’t matter if you own your home or rent it, whether you’re single or married, what your ethnicity, your sexual orientation or your religion is.

If you’re still unsure if fostering is for you, keep reading to find out more.

foster myths: separating fact from fiction

No two foster carers are the same and that’s brilliant – because all the children in our care are different, and what you can uniquely offer, just by being yourself, may be exactly what a young person needs. We welcome a diverse range of carers – all with different backgrounds, experiences and stories to share.

There are two main questions we ask when it comes to who can foster – can you make a difference in a child’s life and do you want to?

can I foster if I work full time?

We can provide additional support if you have a busy work life. You may need extra support from family and friends in your role as a foster carer, too. It’s about planning for the future and taking on the full responsibility of being a foster carer – it doesn’t just fit into your life, it transforms it.

Fostering requires dedication and commitment. It needs a team approach. With Foster Wales, you’ll be working alongside a team of highly trained social workers, teachers and therapists. We’ll be at your side to support your every step.

can I be a foster carer if I live in rented accommodation?

It doesn’t matter if you’re renting or paying a mortgage. If you feel safe and secure where you live, then a child should too. We will work together to figure out the best course may be, wherever you call home.

Think about that spare room in your home. Is it just being used for storage? Instead, it could be something incredible. It could become a safe place for a child who needs it.

can I foster if I have children of my own?

Taking care of a foster child means adding someone new to love and care for. Having children of your own can be a huge benefit when fostering – for the foster child, it means the opportunity to build a friendship with someone of a similar age.

Your children can reap the rewards of having a foster sibling, too. It can teach children insight, help them form lifelong friendships and build their ability to care for others.

am I too old to foster?

There is no age limit when it comes to fostering. You can start fresh in your 20s or it can be a new adventure in your 70s. Whether you’re young, middle-aged or more senior, you’ll get expert local support and training to get you ready for the road ahead. Provided you are reasonably fit and healthy, we’d love to have you as a part of our foster team.

am I too young to foster?

If you are over the age of 21 and have the maturity needed to meet the demands of parenthood, you can foster.

Life experience is beneficial, but just because you’re young doesn’t mean you can’t be part of the fostering family. We have an extensive network of support to help guide you so you can enjoy the experience and feel ready.

do couples who foster have to be married or in a civil partnership?

We don’t have special requirements when it comes to being in a relationship. You don’t need to be married, or in a civil partnership to foster.

Children need stability – that’s the most important thing. So, if you and your partner have been together for two years or more, and can offer a stable homelife, then you can foster. Our Denbighshire team will help you work out if it is the right time for you, and we’ll include your loved ones in your application.

can I foster if I’m transgender?

Your gender identity has no bearing on whether you can be a good foster carer or not. What counts is your personality, your skills and your caring nature. These are the most important. So yes, you can foster if you are transgender.

can I foster if I’m gay?

Yes, of course you can. Your sexual orientation is not a factor when it comes to fostering, either. If you can show a commitment to being the person who cares and offers a safe space to a child, you are exactly the sort of person we need.

can I foster if I have a dog or cat?

Having a dog, a cat, or any other kind of pet doesn’t mean you can’t foster. It just means that we will include these animals in your assessment. This is to make sure they will get on with any future foster children, and vice versa.

Pets can often offer a different kind of support for children and can be a wonderful benefit in a fostering environment.

can I foster if I smoke?

Each Local Authority has different policies around smoking and foster care. This includes e-cigarettes and vaping. What is most important is that you’re honest about whether you smoke or not.

If you want to quit smoking, we’ll offer guidance on how to do so. It’s about finding the perfect match between your family and the children in our care.

can I foster if I’m unemployed?

We understand that everyone has trouble with employment at times. So, if you’re currently unemployed, it won’t stop you from becoming a foster carer. When it comes to being a good foster parent, being there for support, guidance and love every day is what matters most.

We’ll work with you to find out if now is the right time for you.

can I foster if I don’t have a big house?

Each foster home is different. Some are big, some are small and this is how it should be. You don’t need a huge house to be a foster carer. What you do need is a spare room where a foster child can feel safe and at home.


find out more about fostering

types of fostering

Fostering can mean a day, a week, a year or even more. There is no typical type of fostering.

types of fostering

common questions

How does fostering work and what can you expect?

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